Our Short Term Goals

Our immediate goals are simple.
  1. Fight for community based care resources (permanent supportive housing, long-term substance use treatment, transportation, probation reform) instead of investing in a new jail.
  2. Prevent the construction of the County's planned $100-200 million Jail Complex.
  3. Reduce the total number of people incarcerated in our county.
  4. Make sure the County repairs and renovates the current facility to minimize the harm inflicted on those they've trapped within.
Our Medium + Long Term Goals

We're building a better future along the way.
  1. Build an understanding in our community that carceral solutions to our problems will only perpetuate those same problems.
  2. Build alternatives to jails and prisons. Saving money, lives, and futures in the process.

Why are we against a new jail?

Care Not Cages believes in simply that. Our community should provide care, address the causes of harm, and provide a better, safer, more dignified life for every member of our community. Not only is a new jail inhumane, it will take up resources that could be better spent on proven long-term solutions such as supportive housing, long-term substance use treatment, and improved transportation

Since 1828, this country has attempted to solve the problem of harm by segregating those it deems to have committed "crime" and hoping a little self reflection and prayer will address the cause. There's one major problem with that idea though, we know "crime" isn't the result of a lack of penitence, shortsightedness, genetic or intellectual inferiority, or even good old fashioned idleness. It's the result of scarcity. Scarcity of healthy food, adequate housing, good jobs, real future prospects, and proper medical care. Scarcities that only exist in our community because of artificial barriers. If we want to solve these issues, the first step is to tear down these barriers.

What is Long-Term Treatment?

When people are struggling with mental illnesses, especially Substance Use Disorder, or more commonly known simply as "addiction", treatment is often necessary. Many people will enter a rehab program that usually last only a few weeks. After that they may be unsupported and on their own. Thankfully, long-term housing is an option to help extend how long people can receive treatment. Individuals who have struggled with S.U.D. may need medical intervention of years or decades to prevent a relapse to chaotic use.

How Does Transportation Keep People out of Jail?

Transportation is the single largest determiner in socio-economic mobility. That's a big fancy way of saying that being able to easily go from one place to another is really important for improving your life. Think about it. If you can't get to where the good jobs are, you can't make the good job money.

If the doctor's office is on the other side of town, you need a way to get there to receive good treatment when you get sick. Not only does this keep you healthy in the short term, but being able to go to the doctor regularly can also help to live longer.


611 W 12 Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47404

Instagram: @carenotcages.moco
Email: carenotcages.monroecounty@gmail.com
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