Other organizations
Below is a list of other organizations at home and beyond that we think are doing important work.

Local Organizations

Indiana Recovery Alliance

IRA is a Bloomington based human rights advocacy and harm reduction organization which works with folks to meet them where they are and provide the assistance they want. Without biases or condemnation, IRA works to mitigate the harm and danger caused by overdose, disease, chaotic use, and incarceration.
New Leaf New Life

NLNL supports people both when they are incarcerated and once they've gotten out. Whether it's by helping those recently released obtain copies of important documents, put a deposit on a new apartment, find their first job on the outside, or so many more things, NLNL is a cornerstone of our community.

Organizations throughout Indiana

IDOC Watch
IDOC Watch

IDOC Watch is an Indiana based organization that works to support political and politicized prisoners within the state's prisons. IDOC Watch has a focus on fighting for people on the inside to have access to education, edible food, and necessary medical care.

Organizations around the country

Critical Resistance is a Nation wide grassroots organization seeking an end to the Prison Industrial Complex through education, prisoner solidarity, and resistance.
Beyond Criminal Courts
Beyond Criminal Courts

Beyond Criminal Courts is a website to learn about the criminal legal process and deepen our abolitionist critiques and analyses of the Criminal legal system. BCC provides resources to learn, but also to imagine alternatives, and to act to dismantle the punitive system we are subjected to.

611 W 12 Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47404

Instagram: @carenotcages.moco
Email: carenotcages.monroecounty@gmail.com
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